| 1. | The severe snowstorm has led to economic disruptions which further dampened market sentiment 严重的雪灾影响了经济,进一步打击了市场情绪。 |
| 2. | High rates of illness and worker absenteeism are expected , and these will contribute to social and economic disruption 可能出现疾病高发率和工作人员高缺勤率,主要原因是社会和经济受到破坏。 |
| 3. | Economic disruption on the scale predicted in last years stern report and not seen since the end of world war ii 去年的《斯特恩评估报告》中指出,自二战结束后,世界经济从来没有遭受如此强烈的冲击。 |
| 4. | It has been proved that countries can make a successful transition to a more flexible exchange rate regime without substantial economic disruption 事实证明,一国能够实现向更有弹性的汇率制度转换而同时不使经济受到冲击。 |
| 5. | It is usually associated with a great number of cases , higher severity of illness , a higher death toll and consequently greater social and economic disruption 流感大流行通常伴随较多感染个案及较严重的病情,引起较高死亡率,并对社会及经济造成极大影响。 |
| 6. | Although it is difficult to predict the local scale of illness , what we do know is that the next pandemic is likely to be associated with a much higher degree of illness and many more deaths than an ordinary influenza would be , and will cause considerable social and economic disruption 虽然要估计本地疫情的规模并不容易,但我们知道下一次大流行将比普通流感引起更严重的病情,死亡人数更多,并对社会及经济造成极大破坏。 |